Tuesday 1 December 2009


the wide blue sky lays down perfectly above this cheerful world
coloured balloons flying under the sky giving more accent
cheering theme parks rejuvenate under those colourful balloons
a young spirited thing called a carousel goes round and round

morning commute
a routine living socials face
noise and all the busyness awaits by the city of light
commuting is what people do, just like a carousel

thoughts communities have
full of nonsense except for them
so proud standing upon a giant rock, at least that's what they thought
counters is what they receive, but realizing is not the matter just like a carousel

the new me, the new you
ever thought those things possible?
putting a mask on to prevent your real face from revealing is the new you
at some times the mask will drop and your real face will appear, just like a carousel

a fun and colourful ride dazzling the whole theme park with its publicity
is it that fun? or does it reflects boredom packed with those nonsense?
a big carousel this world is, round and round with all its routine
a place full of boredom if the game is played

Monday 16 November 2009


bunch of ups and downs it is
there are times when you are standing on the highest mountain
looking and laughing at the walking birds

forever is not
and there will be times when you're just standing on a small piece of stone
being looked at and laughed at
nothing stays still

is this the reality?
or is it just your game of mind standing on top of the mountain?
you will never realize what the real truth is
cause life is actually a bunch of lies

the sun rises and shines into your room
giving the most splendid view there is
but no one really nows the real true meaning of the shines

fake, fake, fake..
what you really see is the world fakes its look upon you
beautiful the world is
or too beautiful to be true..

never you are on top of the highest mountain
persuming is what you are really doing
the opposite of the real world
a harsh place full of lies

Monday 9 November 2009

The Falling Leaves

Open the lids of my eyes
Woken up by the shimmering breeze of autumn
And see all the leaves fallen from the big oak tree

Why? I wonder
A tree as steady as an oak has to lose its leaves one by one
Even though they have been stick together facing their own story

Why do I have to face the falling leaves?
Or is it just the game a life to face the falling leaves?
In this new chapter of my own story

Used to be used seeing an empty desert
But why just seeing falling leaves my body shivers?
Or again is it just the game of life?

I see an abstract maze behind the falling leaves
A maze I have to face along with the falling leaves
Do I have the bravery to face such a thing?
Is it a choice I must consider? Or is it just a game of life I must face?

Looking back to all those memories
The rendezvous that may be too good to be true
The courage grows through the bravery
Running to the one big word called as,


First first first...

My first post..

please do enjoy...